Nicholas Brown

Nicholas Brown


Nicholas is a multi-jurisdictional lawyer, arbitrator, and adjudicator, with extensive experience in the avoidance and resolution of disputes arising on infrastructure and energy projects. He works across Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and Australasia, including as counsel in international commercial arbitrations.

Nicholas's experience


    • 2022
      King's College London - Guest lecturer
    • 2019
      Founder member - ICC Singapore Arbitration Group
    • 2015
      DipLCIArb, FCIArb
    • 2006
      Qualified - Hong Kong SAR
    • 2003
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1999
      LL.M QUT
    • 1999
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1996
      Qualified - Australia - Queensland
    • 1996
      LL.B (Hons) QUT
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    Out-Law / Insight by Nicholas Brown

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