Roberts Tracey

Tracey Roberts


Tracey is an intellectual property litigator in the life sciences sector, who studied Natural Sciences specialising in pathology. Tracey's principal expertise is in leading high-profile, multi-jurisdictional patent cases where she coordinates litigation strategy across Europe and worldwide, acting for both innovator and generic/biosimilar clients.

Tracey's experience


    • 2023
      Made Partner at Pinsent Masons
    • 2020
      Admitted to the Irish Roll of Solicitors
    • 2019
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2015
      Oxford University - Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law
    • 2013
      Marks & Clerk Solicitors LLP - Associate
    • 2012
      Linklaters LLP - Associate
    • 2012
      Qualified, England & Wales
    • 2010
      Linklaters LLP - Trainee
    • 2009
      College of Law - Legal Practice Course
    • 2008
      College of Law - Postgraduate Diploma in Law
    • 2007
      University of Cambridge - MA (Cantab) Natural Sciences
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    Out-Law / Insight by Tracey Roberts

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