With statutory adjudication in the UK celebrating its 25th birthday this year, our specialist speakers will provide a practical summary of the key legal principles which have been established over the last 25 years, as well as an update on some recent developments. 

Our expert panel of speakers will cover:

  1. Crystallisation, including the definition of a ‘dispute’ 
  2. Jurisdiction, including adjudicator appointments, the scope of disputes and multiple disputes
  3. Serial adjudications in the light of the Court of Appeal’s decision in Sudlows Ltd v Global Switch Estates 1 Limited EWCA Civ 813 
  4. Conduct of the process, including natural justice, bias and Adjudicator’s terms and conditions
  5. Payment, including notices, smash n’ grab versus true value claims and set off

The most significant adjudication related cases and developments will be reviewed and our experts will offer practical guidance on their impact. There will also be the opportunity for delegates to raise questions and time for networking following the event.


Event date

08:30 - 09:30 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video
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