Out-Law Guide

The Ecodesign Directive for Energy Using Products

This guide is based on UK law. It was last reviewed in August 2011.

The Ecodesign Directive (26-page / 1MB PDF) has been transposed into English law by a set of Ecodesign Regulations which were last updated in 2010. It sets out a framework for manufacturers of certain energy-using products to design goods that reduce energy consumption and other negative environmental impacts.

The EC has established a working plan, setting out a list of product groups that will be considered as priorities for implementing the measures before 2011. One of these is "network, data processing and data storing equipment". Currently, these products are under consultation and there are no directly binding measures in place. However, this could affect ICT manufacturers in the near future, so driving 'ecodesign' with energy efficiency in mind makes commercial sense and could mean your business is ahead of the competition if and when binding measures do appear.

See: Information from the Department for Business

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