Out-Law News

£100m Canning Town scheme to be delivered by Cathedral Group and Galliard Home

Developer Cathedral Group has formed a joint venture with Galliard Homes to deliver its Royal Gateway scheme in east London's Canning Town. 

The London Borough of Newham granted planning permission to Cathedral Group for the proposals in December last year. The scheme includes the creation of 336 new homes as well as 2,637 square metres of commercial space on a 2.2 acre former industrial site.

Galliard chief executive Stephen Conway said in a statement it was planning to create a "vibrant new Borough Market style" destination. “It will be a fantastic place for people to live, work and enjoy leisure time since its superb location at the gateway to London’s Royal Docks provides easy access to Canary Wharf, the City and West End,” he added.

Construction of the scheme is scheduled to start this month and overall completion in expected in the spring 2017.

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