Out-Law News 1 min. read

AFC Wimbledon submits plans for 600-home stadium redevelopment

Football club AFC Wimbledon (AFCW) has confirmed that it has submitted plans to Merton Council for the redevelopment of Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium in south London into a 20,000-seat football stadium with 600 homes.

The 5.3 hectare Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium site was allocated for "the intensification of sporting activity with supporting enabling development" in the Council's sites and policies plan (SPP) (6-page / 6.0 MB PDF), which was adopted in July. 

AFCW confirmed last week that it had submitted a planning application to the Council for the construction of a stadium with an initial 11,000 seats, "with permission to extend this to 20,000 ... to cater for growing support as promotion up the Football League is earned". 

While detailed plans will not be revealed until the Council verified the application, AFCW confirmed that permission is being sought for "600 residential units, along with retail and commercial space and a leisure club". 

The club held a public exhibition of its plans, which were developed in partnership with the Greyhound Racing Authority and housebuilder Galliard Homes, in the summer. AFCW initially submitted a draft masterplan for the scheme to the Council in September 2013 in response to the Council's request for proposals for sites being considered for allocation in the SPP. 

"This is the culmination of 18 months intensive work for the club, Galliard Homes and our team of specialist advisers," said AFC Wimbledon chief executive Erik Samuelson in a statement. "It is an extremely comprehensive proposal covering every aspect of the development and associated issues ... We've been hugely encouraged by the fantastic levels of support our plans have attracted."

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