Out-Law News

Almacantar submits £450m plans for Marble Arch tower

Property developer Almacantar has submitted a planning application to Westminster City Council for a 408,000 square feet redevelopment of the 1960s Marble Arch Tower at the corner of London's Oxford Street and Edgware Road.

The proposed scheme includes the demolition of the existing 22-storey office building on the site and the construction of two new buildings reaching seven and 17 storeys high respectively. Under the plans the new buildings will comprise 53 flats as well as 123,000 sq ft of offices and 36,000 sq ft of shops.

The developer has proposed to provide affordable housing off-site at a site on Edgware Road. It has submitted a separate planning application for the construction of 41 affordable homes on that site. It said in its planning statement that the proposed off-site solution would provide "significantly more" affordable housing than could be provided on-site.

The submission of the proposals follows a consultation held by Almacantar in November. It said that the "fundamental benefits" of the scheme had been supported by "nearly all consultees".

Subject to planning consent, work on the scheme is expected to start it 2015. Both the Marble Arch scheme and the affordable housing at Edgware Road are expected to be complete in 2018.

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