Out-Law News

Ashby Capital buys One Bedford Avenue for £100m redevelopment

The redevelopment of One Bedford Avenue in London's WC1 is due to commence later this year following real estate investment company Ashby Capital's purchase of the site.

The proposals for the site, which were approved by Camden Council in December 2013, include the replacement of two existing buildings on the corner of Bedford Avenue and Tottenham Court Road with a single, mixed-use development of shops and offices over eight storeys.

Ashby will work in partnership with property developer Exemplar on the 115,000 square feet scheme.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with the expert team at Exemplar to develop this prime property. The area’s rapid regeneration will ensure excellent growth prospects for this investment over the coming years”, said Ashby chief executive Peter Ferrari, according to the Estates Gazette.

The scheme is expected to complete in 2017.

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