Out-Law News

Australia’s AGL to build floating solar plant

AGL Energy is planning to build a floating solar farm at its Loy Yang power station in Victoria, Australia.

The company is inviting proposals from developers as part of a wider hydrogen energy supply chain project (HESC), according to a report by PV Magazine.

Last month, AGL confirmed it intends to build a 200 megawatts (MW), four-hour duration grid-scale battery at Loy Yang power station. It has requested planning permission for the development from Victoria’s minister for planning and the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning. 

AGL Loy Yang power station is Victoria’s largest power station. The Victorian government extended its mining licence through to 2065 in 2018.

The HESC launched in 2018 and has been used to test the supply of hydrogen from Australia to Japan. The pilot plant for the HESC is already producing hydrogen from the Loy Yang coal mine for export to Japan.

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