The Council has proposed in the DCS (6-page / 1.1 MB PDF) to divide the district into two charging zones for residential developments. In the 'Low Zone', which covers part of Sudbury, Great Cornard and Hadleigh town centre, residential developments of between one and two homes would be charged a rate of £90 per sq m and those with three or more homes would be charged £50 per sq m under the DCS.
In the 'High Zone', which covers the rest of the district, a rate of £115 per sq m has been proposed for residential developments.
A district-wide rate of £100 per sq m has been proposed for "wholly or mainly convenience retail" developments.
The DCS proposes a nil rate levy for all other uses and for all development within the strategic sites at Chilton Woods, east of Sudbury, Lady Lane, Hadleigh, Babergh Ipswich Fringe and the Brantham Regeneration Area.
The public consultation ends on 24 December. The Council said it expects CIL to be "brought into effect prior to the government target date of April 2015".