Out-Law News 1 min. read

Barnet approves revised Brent Cross regeneration scheme

The London Borough of Barnet's planning committee last week resolved to grant planning permission to development partners Hammerson and Standard Life Investment for their £4.5 billion Brent Cross Cricklewood masterplan. 

The north west London scheme includes more than 7,500 new homes and a transformation of the existing Brent Cross Shopping Centre.

The Council originally approved outline plans for the project in 2010. The developers submitted an application to vary the existing consent in October last year, with proposed amendments including a new network of covered streets and spaces in and around Brent Cross, a new major pedestrian and cycle bridge over the North Circular Road as well as earlier delivery of some of the transport improvements across the whole development area.

“Clearly we are delighted with this decision, said Hammerson development director Mike McGuiness in a statement. "It is a major step towards the delivery of a thriving new town centre and a complete transformation of the area."

“Brent Cross Cricklewood will bring a significant amount of investment into Barnet, in the form of new homes, new jobs, school facilities, parks and millions of pounds worth of transport improvements. It will also secure the future of Brent Cross, which will become a truly great place to shop, eat, enjoy and spend time, both during the day and into the evening," McGuiness said.

“There is still a lot of work to do of course but it is exciting to be able to proceed to the next stage, working with local people on the details of the scheme and creating the best possible future for Brent Cross Cricklewood,” he added.

Hammerson said it would work up the detailed plans for the scheme during 2014.

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