Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Birmingham City Council has opened consultation on its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule (DCS), proposing rates of up to £69 per square metre for residential developments.

The Council has proposed in the DCS (Page 8 / 2.12 MB PDF) dividing the city into four charging zones for residential developments. In the 'High Value Zone', which covers the north east and south west of the city, including Sutton Coldfield and Edgbaston, a rate of £69 per sq m has been proposed.

A draft levy of nil would apply to residential developments in the 'Low Value Zone', which covers central areas including Erdington and Bordesley Green. In the 'Sustainable Urban Extension', which includes part of Sutton Coldfield, and the 'Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust Developments', a nil rate has again been proposed.

A city-wide rate of £260 per sq m has been proposed for convenience-based retail developments, which add more than 1500 sq m of retail space, £69 per sq m for student housing, which does not fall under 'Sustainable Urban Extension', and £27 per sq m for hotels located within the 'Inner Ring Road'.

A nil rate levy is proposed for all other retail, industrial/employment, office, all other student housing, all other hotel, leisure, education, health and extra care.

The public consultation ends on 10 November and the Council said it expects to adopt CIL in April.

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