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Boles confirms no call-in for Brentford FC stadium proposals

Proposals by Brentford Football Club (FC) for a new 20,000-seat stadium at Lionel Road South near Kew Bridge in west London can go ahead without secretary of state approval, UK planning minister Nick Boles has confirmed. 

The outline plans, which also include the construction of a number of residential blocks to comprise 910 new homes as well as shops and a hotel, were approved by Hounslow Council in December last year and backed by the Greater London Authority (GLA) last month. They were subsequently referred to the secretary of state.

The proposals had been subject to objections by English Heritage on grounds of the perceived impact they would have on nearby heritage assets.

Brentford FC said it a statement it had received confirmation from Boles that the application would not be called in for determination by the secretary of state. It said the minister "saw the wide ranging benefits" the scheme would bring to Hounslow and London.

"Nick Boles’ confirmation of the decision of the GLA and Hounslow Council is great news," said Brentford FC chairman Cliff Brown. "Our vision of an exciting new hub at this brownfield site has taken another major step forward. We firmly believe this is a once in a generation chance to create a vibrant new stadium that will add to the buzz that is going on around Brentford," Brown said.

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