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Boris Johnson calls upon community groups to help create 100 'pocket parks'

London Mayor Boris Johnson has called upon local volunteers and community groups to help create 100 'pocket parks' in London by 2015. 

The pocket park grant scheme allows community groups and local organising to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to help transform unloved spaces. The scheme is part of the Mayor's London's Great Outdoors programme which seeks to improve streets, squares, parks, canal and riverside spaces across London. 

Pocket parks are designed to be small areas of inviting public space. They allow local communities to come together and decide what would most benefit their neighbourhood. There are currently around 60 projects underway, 11 of which are led by community groups.

Boris Johnson said: "It is so exciting to see my 'pocket parks' springing up all over London as this fantastic project to reinvest pint-sized pots of land goes from strength to strength. With help and support from local communities we are turning small and forgotten urban spaces into small green havens within the city and making London and even better place to love, work and invest."

Anita Konrad, director of Ground London, which is administering the scheme, said: "We were delighted with the imaginative pocket parks proposals that local groups submitted in the first round of the scheme. These prove that small-scale community-led initiatives have the power to transform local neighbourhood. We're now looking forward to more 'pocket park' ideas which will make this city an even better place to live, work and visit."

Applications for the grants must be made by Monday 10 March 2014.

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