An internet casino has purchased a grilled cheese sandwich on eBay that bears the image of the Virgin Mary. Despite being 10 years old and having one bite taken out of it, the slice of Heaven has, perhaps miraculously, stayed free of mould.

Jewellery designer Diana Duyser made the sandwich in 1994 and, after one bite, "noticed the Virgin Mary's face staring back at her," according to

The 52-year-old told the buyer that keeping the spiritual snack in a plastic box by her bedside has brought her luck over the years. Perhaps no more so than when the Antigua-based casino paid $28,000 to buy it. There were more than 1.7 million visitors to her eBay listing.

"I would like all people to know that I do believe that this is the Virgin Mary Mother of God," said Duyser, a resident of Hollywood, Florida. says it plans to take the sandwich on tour around the world to allow people to see the icon, hear Duyser's story, and share in the good luck that it brings.

EBay had initially pulled the listing, but later allowed Duyser to repost the item.

GoldenPalace is already selling Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese t-shirts ($19.99) and sweatshirts ($20.99). EBay is currently listing a number of other Virgin Mary cheese sandwiches in addition to one bearing the image of Elvis.

"Granted, it would make more sense if Elvis had appeared on a doughnut," writes the hopeful seller, "but spirits work in mysterious ways."

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