Out-Law News

City of London approves mixed use Aldgate scheme

The City of London Corporation has approved the 4C Hotel Group's plans for a 473,000 square feet redevelopment of the Minories Estate in London's EC3, according to a report in the Estates Gazette .

Under the scheme two existing office buildings will be demolished and one retained to provide a three-building development called Minories London. The proposed new development will include the change of use and extension of an existing office block to provide a 370-room Hampton by Hilton hotel, a new 200,000 sq ft office block with ground floor shops and a new residential building with 87 flats. Proposals also include a landscaped park and several urban squares.

The planning application for the scheme referred to policies within the City of London Core Strategy seeking the regeneration of the Aldgate area to provide a greater diversity of uses. The planning statement claimed that "the proposed development will provide a new high quality office, hotel and residential accommodation and improve the townscape and public realm of this part of Aldgate."

The plans were on the agenda for discussion at a meeting of the City of London Corporation planning and transport committee on 10 June, having been recommended for approval by a planning officer. According to the Estates Gazette, the planning application has now received approval.

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