Out-Law News

DCLG reports 15% increase in affordable home starts

According to data from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), 41,654 affordable homes were started between March 2013 and March 2014, a 15% increase on the previous 12 months.

The data reported that 445,000 new homes have been built in England since April 2010, of which nearly 200,000 were affordable homes. In a statement accompanying the data, the DCLG contrasted these figures with the reported 420,000 fall in social housing homes between 1997 and 2010.

The DCLG also reported that 125,000 of the 170,000 homes intended to be built by 2015 under the government's Affordable Homes programme - including social rented homes, affordable rented homes and affordable home ownership schemes – have been delivered.

The data showed regional differences in the numbers of affordable homes being delivered since 2010. A quarter of the homes, a total of 48,660, were built in London; 8,860 were built in the West Midlands, with 2,740 in Birmingham; 7,040 were built in the Greater Manchester area, with 1,810 in Manchester itself.

"Our affordable housebuilding efforts are a clear success story, with nearly 200,000 new affordable homes delivered since April 2010", said housing minister Kris Hopkins in a statement. "It means families from Newcastle to Newquay have new homes available to them, whether to rent at an affordable rate or to buy through our shared ownership schemes." 

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