Out-Law News

Easyprotest.com stands up to EasyGroup over name dispute

A web site has been launched in protest against EasyGroup, the company behind EasyJet and the spin-off car rental and internet café chains, and its policy of taking legal action against the use of the word “easy” as a prefix to any other business name.
EasyGroup has already won a number of domain name transfers before panels of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the UK courts on the grounds that other “easy” businesses are infringing its trade marks and trying to pass themselves off as being associated with EasyGroup.

A web site called easyprotest.com has been set up “to promote awareness of the plight of businesses who use or may be planning to use the term “easy” within their trading or domain names.” It aims to advise companies and individuals of their legal rights in relation to defending themselves against the threat of litigation and offer support, guidance and access to information that will assist in their defence and planning.

The new site is backed by Easy Car, a European car rental service which is presently fighting EasyGroup in the UK courts, and Easyspace, an internet hosting company.

Some businesses taken before WIPO panels for alleged cybersquatting have successfully argued that their use of a generic word is entirely legitimate. Tim Holt, who was challenged for the name easy-jet.com, won his case before WIPO on the grounds that he planned to use the domain name for a business selling ink-jet refills.

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