Out-Law News

Enfield consults on CIL draft charging schedule

Enfield Council has published its community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS) for public consultation, proposing rates of up to £120 per square metre for residential developments in the borough.

The Council has proposed in the DCS (13-page / 2.2 MB PDF) to split the borough into three charging zones for residential developments. In the eastern districts of the borough, from Turkey Street and Enfield Dock in the north to Upper Edmonton in the south, a rate of £40 per sq m has been proposed for residential developments. An intermediate rate of £60 per sq m has been proposed for residential developments in Enfield Town and in an area south of the A406 and A110.

In the rest of the borough, a rate of £120 per sq m has been proposed for residential developments, save for in the south-eastern area covered by the Meridian Water master plan, in which a nil rate would apply.

A borough-wide rate of £60 per sq m has been proposed for retail developments, including shops, professional and financial service premises, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways.

A borough-wide nil rate levy has been proposed for all other uses.

In addition to CIL charged by the Council, any developments in the borough will also be subject to Mayoral CIL. The Mayoral CIL charge in Enfield is £20 per sq m on all uses except for health and education purposes, which are exempt from Mayoral CIL.

The consultation finishes at 17:00 on 21 January 2015.

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