Out-Law News

Extra funding announced for Neighbourhood Planning

The Minister of State for Decentralisation and Cities Greg Clark has announced that the Government will be providing additional funding to the four organisations currently offering support on neighbourhood planning.

The funding is aimed at helping communities with their neighbourhood planning and was announced by Clark in a written ministerial statement yesterday. The additional funding will enable the four support providers to offer advice and assistance to those leading communities with their neighbourhood plans.

The funding has been announced (2-Pages / 72KB PDF) as part of a number of measures to "support the delivery of sustainable development by making the planning system simpler and more effective," the Minister said.

The statement also said that the additional funding would only make a difference if additional resources are available.

In the Growth Review the Government's plans were announced to introduce a ‘planning guarantee’, which pledged that it should take no longer than 12 months to determine any planning application, including any appeal.

"Taken together, the measures that I am announcing will make a further important contribution to our task of making planning simpler, more accessible and better able to support sustainable development", said Clarke.

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