Out-Law News

Hackney approves revised Woodberry Down masterplan

Hackney Council's planning committee this week resolved to grant planning permission to developer Berkeley Homes for a seven-phase 3.7 million square feet development at the Woodberry Down Estate in east London.

The 25 year masterplan sets out plans for the construction of more than 4,000 homes and a further 10,921 square metres of non-residential floorspace. The original masterplan was granted consent in 2009 and the first phase, including 1,649 new homes, shops, community facilities and open spaces, has already been completed. The revised plan for phases two to seven altered the layout of the scheme and added an additional 800 homes.

The Council also approved detailed plans for phase two of the scheme, including the construction of four buildings ranging between three and 22 storeys in height to provide 670 new homes, with 36% of those to be affordable. 

"Woodberry Down reveals that you can increase density and people’s quality of life at the same time," said Berkeley Group chairman Tony Pidgley according to Planning Magazine.

"This is growing from a neighbourhood of 2,000 to over 5,000 homes while 90 per cent of residents now say they’re satisfied with their lives, a full 30 per cent higher than the UK average of 60 per cent," Pidgley said. 

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