Out-Law News

Hammersmith and Fulham approves £200m riverside scheme

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham's planning committee this week resolved to grant planning permission to developer Londonewcastle for a redevelopment of Hurlingham Retail Park at Fulham riverside.

The plans for the 2.5 acre site by Wandsworth Bridge, which is currently occupied by a retail store, include a 500,000 square feet development to comprise 242 new homes set around a landscaped garden, 35,000 sq ft of retail and leisure space and an improved riverside walk along the Thames.

“Hurlingham Retail Park is a fantastic opportunity to create a new destination riverside address at the gateway to the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham with new homes that will feature a spectacular elevated resident’s garden at its centre and improved public spaces and amenities,” said Londonewcastle chief executive officer David Barnett in a statement when the planning application was submitted in July last year.

Grant of planning permission for the scheme is subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement, which will include a contribution of £10 million by the developer towards social and physical infrastructure in the local area.

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