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Iconic Riverside Studios is to undergo a £190 m redevelopment

A joint venture between Arab Investments and A2Dominion are set to embark on a £190 million redevelopment project of the iconic Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, west London.

The redevelopment plans for the joint venture include an extension of the studios and arts centre to accommodate a block of upmarket flats, new bars and a restaurant, according to a Financial Times report.

The existing building would be redeveloped across the original site and the adjacent Queens Wharf development, which would create a rebuild that would be double the size of the current studio space.

The Riverside Studios were taken over by the BBC in 1954. The broadcaster used the venue to film 'Doctor Who' and 'Top of the Pops' and more recently the studios have been used for recording 'The Apprentice: You're Fired'.

The project is another example of international buyers looking to invest in prime London property during the downturn.

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