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Kensington and Chelsea consults on CIL draft charging schedule

Residential developments within the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea will be subject to community infrastructure levy rates ranging from £110 per square metre to £750 per sq m under proposals set out in the Council's draft charging schedule (DCS).

The Council has proposed to divide the borough into six different charging zones for residential and extra care housing developments. It had launched a consultation on the DCS last month.

For residential developments, the proposed rates have been set as £750 per sq m in Zone A; £590 per sq m in Zone B; £430 per sq m in Zone C; £270 per sq m in Zone D; £190 per sq m in Zone E and £110 per sq m in Zone F.

For extra care housing developments, the Council has set draft rates of £510 per sq m in Zone A; £230 per sq m in Zone B; £300 per sq m in Zone C; £160 per sq m in Zone D and £20 per sq m in Zones E and F.

Hotel developments will be subject to a borough-wide rate of £160 per sq m under the proposals, and student accommodation will be charged at a proposed rate of £125 per sq m. A draft nil rate levy will apply to all other types of development.

A Zone G has been created to cover the part of the Earl's Court masterplan development which falls within the borough. A proposed nil rate levy will apply to any development within that zone.

The consultation will be open for responses until 23 February 2014.

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