An economic viability study suggesting community infrastructure levy (CIL) rates for Leeds will be discussed by the Council's Development Plan Panel next week.

The study, produced for the Council by property consultancy GVA, proposes CIL rates of £100 per square metre for office developments in the city centre, according to a Business Desk report.

Retail schemes over 500 square metres would be subject to a suggested rate of £275 per sq m if located out of town and £175 per sq m if located in the city centre, under the proposals, and a zero rate levy is suggested for retail developments below 500 sq m.

For residential developments, the suggested rate is £100 per sq m in the so-called 'golden triangle'. In the suburbs, the suggested charges range between £25 and £55 per sq m.

The study also suggests setting differential rates based on whether a proposed development is on a greenfield or a brownfield housing site.

"The exclusion from CIL liability of many land uses is to be welcomed, as is the principle of a differential between greenfield and brownfield housing sites," said director at Savills in Leeds Richard Serra, according to the report.

"However, the proposed rates for office and retail development are significantly higher than the rates currently proposed by competing cities such as Sheffield and Newcastle. The development community has had relatively little opportunity to engage with the Leeds CIL so far and will probably reserve judgment until members have made their resolution and the publication of the preliminary draft charging schedule,” he said.

The study is due to be discussed by the Council's Development Plan Panel at a meeting next week. The Council said it hopes to consult on its Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule in March next year and to adopt CIL in early 2014.

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