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Lend Lease launches consultation on £1.5 billion Heygate Estate regeneration in South London

Developer, Lend Lease, has launched a consultation on its new masterplan for the redevelopment of the 23 acre Heygate Estate in South London.

The £1.5 billion Heygate Estate masterplan includes provision for around 2,500 residential units, shops, offices, commercial space and reveals plans for London's largest new park in 70 years.

The masterplan outlines a series of high rise buildings, including three towers of 25, 27, and 35 storeys high, which will provide a mixture of residential and commercial space.

The scheme proposes between 2,300 and 2,500 flats and houses, of which there will be a 25% minimum level of affordable housing providing intermediate level affordable housing and social rent.

Plans include extensive green space for local community, including London's largest new inner City park since the Second World War. This will be surrounded by 177,500 square foot of new retail space, which will be situated mainly along Walworth Road and will connect with St Mowden's shopping centre scheme.

The scheme will provide up to 54,000 square foot of office space and around 50,000 square foot has been allocated for leisure and community space, including a new leisure facility with a swimming pool, sports hall, gym and a new crѐche and café.

Plans include extensive green space for local community, including London's largest new inner City park since the Second World War.

A detailed planning application is due to be submitted next spring for about 250 homes and  a 30-35 story tower, which will include 250 flats. An outline planning application will also be submitted for the rest o f the scheme.

Southwark Council has been working on the regeneration project since 2002 and following a series of failed agreements, appointed Lend Lease as its preferred development partner in 2007.

Make Architects were appointed in 2004 to work on the development framework and has worked with Southwark Council and Lend Lease to produce a masterplan for the regeneration project.

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