Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Proposals by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) for residential development on land by Lord's Cricket Ground in London's St John's Wood have been put on hold, the club's president has announced.

MCC president Mike Getting told members at the club's annual general meeting that plans to build housing on the club's leasehold land at the Nursery end of the cricket ground will not be considered further at present.

He said that the club is putting all its resources into redeveloping the Pavilion end of the ground. These plans include the construction of a new 2,832-seat stand as well as match day control facilities, new bars and a restaurant. Westminster Council resolved to grant planning permission to the proposals in March.

Getting said that, until the club has completed the redevelopment of the Warner Stand and the south-western corner, there would be "no need" to consider any further plans for residential development. "The club must not be distracted from its plans," he said.  

He said that when the MCC committee begins to give detailed consideration to new facilities at the Nursery end of the ground, "that will be the time to resume discussions".

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