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Mayor sets out London 2020 strategy

London will need 400,000 new homes over the next ten years to meet increasing population demands, Mayor Boris Johnson has said in a new '2020 Vision' (84-page / 2.40MB PDF) document which sets out his ambitions for the capital's future.

The Mayor said in the document that the shortage of affordable housing was "perhaps the gravest crisis the city faces" and said that 40,000 affordable homes would need to be built every year to meet the challenge.

The Mayor said that stalled planning consents would need to be unblocked and that developers who "are sitting idly on their land" should be faced with the prospect of compulsory purchase. He said that Councils should be allowed to borrow more for house building and that there was "no need for this to appear on the books as public borrowing".

The document also sets out plans for a range of major transport investments which the Mayor said would help enable housing sites to come forward for development.

"If we are to cope with the demographic projections, we will need another one million homes by the mid-2030s," said Johnson." Already 70% of businesses say that the cost of housing in London is a major barrier to growth - an economic inefficiency that is set to cost the city between £15 billion and £35 billion over the next decade."

The Mayor said that the Greater London Authority would accelerate its programme for releasing public land through which it has made £1 billion worth of land available since May 2012.

He also said that the public rented sector has almost doubled over the last ten years and that rental standards would need to be introduced to protect and offer certainty to landlords and tenants.

Johnson said that, in order to succeed in meeting the capital's housing challenges "we must recognise the test of our mettle that lies ahead, not least a million more people in the next decade and a vast shortage of homes in an uncompromising global economy".

"This shows us why the government must invest in London’s future for the good of the whole of the UK and exactly why we must continue to attract international investment," he said.

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