Out-Law News 1 min. read

Sellar and Notting Hill Housing to develop 1,000-home Canada Water scheme

Developer Sellar Design and Development has entered an agreement with housing association Notting Hill Housing to deliver a major regeneration scheme in Canada Water in London's SE16

The development includes five new buildings to be built on a seven acre site at Surrey Quays Road, including a 40-storey tower to comprise more than 1,000 new homes as well as 12,308sq m of retail space, 2,800 sq m of office space, a health centre, a cinema and new public amenity spaces including a public square. 231 of the new homes will be affordable.

Southwark Council granted planning permission to Sellar's proposals for the scheme in December and construction is expected to start in the autumn. 

"The scheme will provide a truly striking development in the heart of a previously overlooked part of London as well as creating a new town centre for Canada Water," said Sellar chief executive James Sellar in a statement.

"Over the past three years we have worked closely with local residents and Southwark Council to meet everyone's aspirations for the site and to provide a focal point for both the existing community and the new residents that will be attracted to Canada Water over the next five years or so," he added.

Notting Hill Housing chief executive Kate Davies said that the scheme would represent the housing association's "largest ever" development of new rental homes. "The project at Canada Water will not only introduce properties to buy in Southwark, but it will also provide a much-needed boost to the rental options in the area," she said.

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