Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

South Lakeland District Council yesterday launched a consultation on its community infrastructure levy (CIL) preliminary draft charging schedule (PDCS) (38-page / 1.58MB PDF) with proposed rates of up to £150 per square metre. 

The Council has proposed that a nil rate levy should apply to all types of developments within the Kendal and Ulverston Canal Head regeneration areas.

For residential developments, it has proposed to set a district-wide rate of £60 per sq m. This would also apply to any large strategic sites "unless an alternative case is made by relevant site promoters".

Hotels would be subject to a rate of £35 per sq m under the proposals and a draft rate of £150 per sq m has been set for supermarkets and retail warehouses as well as sheltered, retirement and extra care housing.

The consultation is open for comments until 17 April. The Council said it is looking to adopt CIL by the end of the year. 

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