Out-Law News 1 min. read

Spelthorne launches second round of CIL consultation

Community infrastructure levy (CIL) rates for residential developments within Spelthorne Borough Council will range up to £160 per square metre (8-page / 661KB PDF) under proposals published by the Council this week.

The Council launched a consultation on its draft charging schedule (DCS) yesterday. It has proposed to divide its administrative area into three charging zones for residential developments and also to set separate rates for schemes which are subject to its affordable housing policy.

For schemes of fewer than 15 homes, to which the Council's affordable housing policy does not apply, the DCS sets out proposed rates of £100 per sq m in Zone 1, covering Stanwell and Stanwell Moor; £140 per sq m in Zone 2, covering Staines-upon-Thames, Ashford and Laleham; and £160 per sq m in Zone 3, covering Shepperton and Sunbury on Thames.

Developments comprising 15 or more homes would be subject to a draft nil rate levy within Zone 1; a rate of £40 per sq m in Zone 2 and a rate of £60 per sq m in Zone 3.

Purpose built student accommodation and retail developments comprising "out of centre larger convenience based supermarkets and superstores and retail warehousing" with a net retail selling space of more than 280 sq m would be charged at a borough-wide rate of £120 per sq m under the proposals.

A draft nil rate levy has been set for office, commercial and all other uses.

The proposed rates remain unchanged from the rates set out in the Council's preliminary draft charging schedule, which it consulted upon last summer.

The DCS consultation is open for responses until 10 April. The Council said it expects to adopt CIL in October this year.

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