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Updated list of energy arbitrators makes it easier to search by country, region or experience

The International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) has updated its free-to-access list of specialist energy arbitrators, making it easier for firms in need of an arbitrator to search by country, region or experience.

The Energy Arbitrators List (EAL) was created by an ad hoc industry group over nine years ago. Arbitrators are selected for inclusion on the list by an independent review committee of industry leaders and legal experts based in the UK, US, Europe and South America. John Gilbert of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law.com, is included on the list and is a member of the Review Committee.

"Choosing the right arbitrator may be the single most important decision parties make in the arbitration process," said Mark Appell of the ICDR, which manages and administers the site. "That decision is easier, more efficient and better informed today with the re-launch of the EAL."

Arbitrators are included in the EAL by virtue of their expertise in deciding international energy disputes. The database is searchable by country, region and key words and includes detailed information on arbitrator experience in 13 separate industry categories. These include upstream, downstream and midstream contracts; petrochemicals; commodities trading; investor/state disputes; regulated utilities; and renewables.

As well as the free-to-access online database, the EAL provides a variety of additional fee-based administrative services including enhanced list selection and conflicts checking through the ICDR Case Management centre.

"The EAL has been a resource to find the world's leading energy arbitrators for almost a decade," said Kevin O'Gorman, co-chair of the EAL Steering Committee. "The revolutionary aspect of this comprehensive update is the search capabilities. Parties and co-arbitrators now can easily identify experienced arbitrators in a wide variety of energy categories - ranging from core upstream contracts to power generation to downstream disputes."

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