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Wandsworth gives final approval to One Nine Elms

The London Borough of Wandsworth has granted planning permission (22-page / 1.84MB PDF) for the redevelopment of the  Market Towers building in London's Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area after negotiations and completion of a section 106 agreement.

Under the scheme, which will be developed by a joint venture between developers CIT and Green Properties, the existing 1970s building will be demolished and two new towers will be built, reaching 58 and 43 storeys in height respectively. The new buildings will provide up to 491 homes, offices, a hotel and a public square with shops, restaurants and cafes. The buildings will be linked by a sky bridge and will be the focal point of a new cluster of skyscrapers in the Nine Elms area.

The Council first approved the plans in June. It also approved another application to redevelop the New Covent Garden Market also in the Nine Elms area, and the Council subsequently referred the application to the Secretary of State. The SoS decided not to call in the application for his determination following receipt of a letter from the Mayor of London arguing that the scheme had local and national support and that an inquiry would "undermine the delivery of jobs and growth."

The developers and the Council have now entered into a section 106 agreement under which the developers will make a contribution of around £17 million to improve local infrastructure and to secure additional affordable housing outside the development area. The agreement also includes a contribution towards the Nine Elms employment framework, the developers said in a statement.

“Our proposals have been designed around the concept of an urban oasis, creating public space within an environment that feels inviting and communal," said Green Property director Mike Tapp when the Council approved the plans in June. "Located at the centre of the emerging Vauxhall cluster, we are seeking to build an iconic building which will provide a focal point for Vauxhall. It would provide a hub for the pedestrian routes through the area, and a gateway into the VNEB opportunity area through the linear park." 

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