Out-Law News

Wealden publishes amended CIL draft charging schedule

Wealden District Council last week completed a consultation on a revised version of its community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (DCS) with updated viability evidence.

The Council first consulted on its DCS last summer and the proposed rates in the document have not changed. However the Council said that, following receipt of representations to the consultation, it decided to consult on a revised version with updated viability evidence, funding gap information and with further information on the relationship between CIL and Section 106 obligations.

The DCS sets out three zones with different rate bands for residential developments. For developments within the 'Higher Band' zone, which covers the northern parts of the district, the proposed rate is set at £180 per sq m.

A draft rate of £150 per sq m will apply in the 'Middle Band' zone, which covers the Crowborough area, and a draft rate of £110 per sq m will apply in the southern parts of the district, which make up the 'Lower Band' zone.

For retail uses across the district, developments that are "wholly or mainly convenience" are subject to a proposed rate of £100 per sq m, with a lower proposed rate of £20 per s m to apply to developments that are "wholly or mainly comparison".

A standard nil rate levy will apply to all types of developments not separately defined if the draft rates are adopted.

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