Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

West Berkshire Council's community infrastructure levy (CIL) charging schedule will come into force on 1 April 2015 following adoption by the Council earlier this month. 

The Council adopted the charging schedule (18-page / 1.92MB PDF) after the planning inspector appointed to examine the document recommended that it should be approved without modifications.

The Council will implement two different CIL rates for residential developments. For developments within Newbury and Thatcham and within the 'Eastern Urban Area' a rate of £75 per square metre will apply. Developments within the 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' and within East Kennet Valley will be subject to a higher rate of £125 per sq m.

A rate of £125 per sq m will apply to retail developments across the borough and a nil rate levy will apply to business developments, hotels, residential institutions, community developments and all other uses.

The Council also adopted its 'Regulation 123' list (3-page / 56KB PDF) which sets out the types of infrastructure that will be funded by CIL in the borough. 

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