Daniel Widmann

Daniel Widmann


Daniel specialises in digitalisation projects, cloud and complex GDPR issues, including online marketing.

Daniel advises national and international companies on their path through digital transformation along the whole journey, from digitizing business processes to implementing new technologies such as cloud or blockchain services.

A particular focus of his work is advising national and international clients on the implementation and enforcement of data protection and data security requirements. This also includes support in dealing with data protection/cyber incidents.

Another focus of his advice is the drafting and implementation of IT contracts (especially in connection with the development, licensing, maintenance and distribution of software-as-a-service solutions), advice in connection with open source software as well as related data protection law issues.

His extensive experience on advising clients on their way through digital transformation gives Daniel an excellent overview of what is required to bring a complex scheme to a successful completion and to operate efficiently.

Daniel's experience


    • 2016
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2016
      Qualified - The Bar - Rechtsanwaltskammer München
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    Out-Law / Insight by Daniel Widmann

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