Barker David

David Barker


David has more than 20 years' experience dealing with complex disputes. He leads Pinsent Masons' TMT Disputes Team. David was named in The Lawyer's "Hot 100" for 2019 for his ground-breaking work in data privacy litigation.

David's experience


    • 2017
      Qualified - Republic of Ireland
    • 2003
      Queen Mary University, London - IT Law (Diploma)
    • 2000
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 1997
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1995
      College of Law - Legal Practice Course
    • 1995
      Salans - Solicitor
    • 1994
      College of Law - Common Professional Examination
    • 1992
      University of Manchester - BA (Hons)
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    Out-Law / Insight by David Barker

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