Taylor Dianne_Mar 2020

Dianne Taylor

Senior Pensions Consultant

Dianne is a pensions’ professional with over 20 years’ experience in the industry, dominated by previously working as a Pensions Administration Senior Team Leader for a World leading third-party administrator.

Her areas of specialism and experience cover all aspects of pensions’ administration including processes, procedures, regulation and operational management. Dianne has worked closely and collaboratively with trustees and advisers on implementing liability management solutions, buy-in and buy-out exercises, GMP reconciliations & rectification, benefit design, member communication projects, discretionary death benefits and member benefit claims to the Pensions Ombudsman.

Dianne has experience of delivering a comprehensive trustee secretarial service and risk management solutions. An Associate Member of the Pensions Management Institute, Dianne has earned a reputation for quality service delivery and the timely and successful delivery of projects

Dianne's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Dianne Taylor

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