Dunham James

James Dunham

Senior Sustainable Finance Advisor

James is a climate risk and sustainable finance expert specialising in physical climate risk and adaptation finance.

James helps investors and financial institutions across the globe integrate sustainability into operational processes and procedures in alignment with international standards (such as ISO, ISSB and TCFD), current and emerging regulation (including EU SFDR), stakeholder expectations and good practice.

James’ clients include leading financial institutions, private equity firms, asset and infrastructure fund managers, development finance institutions, consultancies, private fund managers, multilateral development banks and multinational NGOs. Work for these clients includes devising sustainable finance frameworks, ensuring alignment with global standards, providing advice on risk frameworks and measuring impact.

James previously led Atkins’ climate-related financial risk and sustainable finance advisory services. During that time he lead the support to the European Investment Bank (EIB) where he helped the client to establish its physical Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) system. James is also at the forefront of the development of standards relating to physical climate risk assessment and climate change adaptation and is a co-author of the Draft ISO 32210 Sustainable Finance Standard as the UK expert.

James's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by James Dunham

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