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Kieron O'Reilly

Senior Consultant, Brook Graham

Kieron is responsible for identifying new clients and potential business opportunities, and works with the team to design, sell and deliver diversity and inclusion solutions.

Kieron began his career in talent acquisition and management working within the financial and professional sectors, as well as within public health. His specialist expertise lies in the design and implementation of practical work-based programmes that address the issues causing underrepresentation of talent groups within the wider work force.

Kieron is proud to have worked on D&I initiatives used to support close to 25% of the UK workforce. As well as judging D&I awards and competitions Kieron is asked to speak at events and conferences on D&I topics that range from gender, D&I excellence to inclusive leadership and disability.

Kieron has worked with senior leaders in the private, public and charity sectors to design and implement D&I strategies at the local and global level. He has also led the research and development of a D&I strategy for an entire sector in the UK & Ireland.

Kieron's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Kieron O'Reilly

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