Reading Michael

Michael Reading

Senior Associate

Michael is a civil litigator who specialises in financial services claims and onshore and offshore commercial fraud, including, but not limited to, crisis management and freezing injunctions.

Michael’s recent experience includes some of the highest profile fraud related cases in recent years. His extensive experience includes advising clients in relation to crisis management issues such as time sensitive freezing injunctions and search orders. Michael has advised on a range of international and domestic fraud matters involving clients who were state entities, corporations, and individuals. These matters include large complex multi-jurisdiction frauds, employee frauds, enforcement, and asset recovery proceedings. Michael has also acted for a range of financial and professional services institutions in relation to high value and complex matters. He has acted for banks and other financial services companies in relation to mass actions, derivatives litigation, and offshore investment disputes. Michael benefits from a 6-month secondment to one of the Big 4’s litigation team in 2019. Michael is a member of the Young Fraud Lawyers' Association and the Commercial Fraud Lawyers Association.

Michael's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Michael Reading

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