Wardleworth Sam_5695488

Sam Wardleworth

Senior Associate

Sam advises on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious tax matters with extensive experience handling and pre-empting disputes with HMRC.

Sam acts for large corporate clients and individuals and advises on a diverse range of taxes including VAT, Corporation Tax, PAYE and income tax. Sam has particular expertise in capital allowances, environmental taxes (including aggregates levy and landfill tax) and pensions taxation. His experience spans most of the firm's sectors and includes frequent work in the Infrastructure and Financial Services Sectors. In particular, Sam has advised on a number of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and understands the pressures and contractual arrangements in these types of development.

Sam advises clients from beginning to end of their tax issues. He provides tax planning advice and is skilled at pre-empting disputes with HMRC. Sam is adept at reaching favourable settlements opportunities for his client and conducting litigation in the Tax Tribunals and commercial courts where necessary. Sam also has considerable experience managing group litigation on both substantive issues and judicial review.

Sam 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Sam Wardleworth

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