Out-Law News

TfL to rezone new Northern Line stations to help boost Nine Elms regeneration

Transport for London (TfL) will rezone two new London Underground stations proposed for the Nine Elms Opportunity Area on London's South Bank, according to a report in The Times .

The proposed new Northern Line stations at Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station were initially allocated to zone two. Representations from developers involved in local regeneration recommended that the stations should be reallocated to zone one to make the area more attractive to commercial occupiers and avoid overcrowding at nearby Vauxhall Station.

A final decision on the rezoning will be made by the secretary of state for transport.

"Zone one status will draw more commercial occupiers to Battersea and help us create 25,000 new jobs in this underused part of the riverside", said Wandsworth council leader Ravi Govindia according to The Times. "This Tube extension has the potential to expand the central London economy into Wandsworth and deliver the growth, opportunities and new homes our city leads", said Govindia.

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