Alex Ha Kyung Kim

Alex Ha Kyung Kim

Senior Associate

Alex is a member of our TMT team and is an information law specialist. He supports clients across a wide range of sectors including financial services, technology and digital services, and property.

Alex is a data protection specialist in our Information Law Group, part of the wider TMT Team. He advises clients from various sectors with a particular focus on the financial services sector where he has developed a deep sector knowledge to navigate the regulatory tensions and empower clients to achieve their objectives without incurring an unmanageable level of risk. He advises clients on all aspects of data protection law including the implementation of GDPR compliance projects, drafting and negotiating data processing agreements for both customers and service providers, providing training on latest regulatory developments and, more recently, Schrems II remediation initiatives. Alex previously worked in the European headquarters in-house team of a global electronics manufacturer where he developed a passion for all things data protection. Through this experience, Alex combines extensive legal analysis in his advice to clients with practical applicability and commercial awareness.

Alex Ha Kyung Kim's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Alex Ha Kyung Kim

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