Wood Alistair

Alistair Wood

Senior Associate

Alistair specialises in the provision of corporate criminal law advice, the conduct of investigations and compliance risk management. His specialist areas of expertise include bribery, money laundering, fraud, sanctions, export controls and modern slavery.

Alistair advises corporates on a variety of criminal law, regulatory and compliance issues covering bribery, money laundering, fraud, sanctions, export controls and modern slavery. Alistair's expertise includes advising clients on the conduct of internal investigations, responding to suspected violations and criminal law breaches, and defending enforcement actions. Alistair's practice regularly involves dealings with a range of enforcement and regulatory bodies including the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, HM Revenue and Customs, the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, the Serious Fraud Office and the police. In addition to advising on live criminal matters and internal investigations, Alistair is experienced in the provision of compliance advisory work including the conduct of risk assessments and the implementation of risk based compliance programmes to both regulated and non-regulated corporates.

Alistair's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Alistair Wood

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