Stoppelmann David

Prof. Dr. David Stoppelmann


David specialises in HR and Employment. He primarily advises both German and international companies within the energy sector, but also has a strong focus on companies and institutions operating within the healthcare and life sciences, financial services and private higher education markets.

David's experience


    • 2022
      Professor at BSP Business & Law School – Digital Management chair – Legal & Compliance
    • 2016
      Joined Pinsent Masons Germany LLP
    • 2015
      University of Bonn - Law (Doctorate)
    • 2014
      Qualified - Germany
    • 2012
      Clifford Chance - Associate
    • 2012
      OLG Düsseldorf - Second law examination
    • 2010
      Giese & Partner (Prague and Bratislava) and Siebeke Lange Wilbert (Düsseldorf) - Trainee
    • 2009
      University of Bonn - First law examination
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    Out-Law / Insight by Prof. Dr. David Stoppelmann

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