Huber Florian

Florian Elsinghorst (né Huber), LL.M.


Florian specialises in energy law and the regulated industries. He advises at all market levels, in particular on unbundling, remuneration and access issues in the energy sector.

In addition to European law aspects, he advises on all regulatory issues in energy law, in particular on grid connection and access, on grid fee regulation, on subsidies and privileges under the German Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG) and the German Combined Heat and Power Act (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz, KWKG), and on concession fees.

A particular focus of Florian’s work is advising energy-intensive industries on all aspects of energy law and renewable energies. In addition, Florian regularly accompanies domestic and foreign clients in proceedings before the German and European regulatory authorities and courts. Before joining Pinsent Masons, Florian worked in energy law and litigation for other leading international law firms in San Francisco and Düsseldorf.

Florian P.'s experience


    • 2021
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2021
      LL.M., European Competition Law and Regulation - University of Amsterdam
    • 2019
      Lawyer - Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
    • 2019
      Admission to bar - Germany
    • 2018
      Second State Examination - Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf (Higher Regional Court)
    • 2018
      Trainee Lawyer - Squire Patton Boggs, San Francisco
    • 2016
      First State Examination - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
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    Out-Law / Insight by Florian Elsinghorst (né Huber), LL.M.

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