Mullenex Diane

Diane Mullenex


Diane is a dual-qualified French lawyer and UK Solicitor, heading the international telecom and gaming & gambling practices. She specialises in and has extensive experience advising a wide range of clients in telecommunications, technology and other highly regulated industries, such as gaming and gambling.

Diane's experience


    • 2020
      Best Lawyers France
    • 2014
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2004
      Ichay & Mullenex Avocats
    • 2002
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1995
      Qualified - The Bar - (Paris)
    • 1994
      Baker McKenzie, Klein Goddard Associés, Watson Farley Williams
    • 1994
      College of Law London - Master of Laws in Business Law applied to IT companies
    • 1993
      Ecole de Formation professionnelle du Barreau de Paris - Master of Laws in Business Law
    • 1992
      Université Paris, Panthéon Sorbonne - Bachelor of Laws
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    Out-Law / Insight by Diane Mullenex

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