Kate Turner

Legal Director

Kate specialises in advising clients in the energy sector (UK and internationally) in the downstream, renewables and low carbon sectors of the energy market (for both private and public sector clients).

Kate's experience


    • 2007
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2004
      Scottish Power plc, Head of Legal Energy Management
    • 2002
      BPP Law School
    • 2002
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 2001
      Qualified - Scotland
    • 2001
      Sullivan & Cromwell LLP (New York and London) Associate
    • 1999
      Shepherd + Wedderburn, Trainee Solicitor
    • 1999
      University of Aberdeen – Diploma In Legal Practice
    • 1998
      University of Aberdeen – LLB (Hons)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Kate Turner

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