Jason Rebecca

Rebecca Jason

Senior Associate

Rebecca is highly experienced in the social housing sector, acting on matters for funders ranging from documenting syndicated and bilateral, secured and unsecured facilities, sustainability linked loans to complex loan portfolio due diligence exercises and debt capital markets transactions.

Rebecca works on a broad spectrum of transactions in social housing sector. She regularly advises clients in relation to group restructurings, private placements, large scale voluntary transfers and syndicate splits/refinances, as well as lending banks in connection with loan transactions linked to public bond issuances. Rebecca also acts regularly for public sector funders in connection with development loan facilities to unlock sites for building residential properties.

Rebecca is well known and regarded by funders in the social housing sector, having worked closely with them for a long time. Clients describe her as being “utterly professional and easy to deal with” and as having a clear understanding of how her clients like to approach matters. As a result, she has been able to build and retain strong relationships with leading funders in the sector.

Out-Law / Insight by Rebecca Jason

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